Saturday 11 December 2021


John 18:6-9  As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground.
Then asked he them again, Whom seek ye? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth.
Jesus answered, I have told you that I am he: if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way:
That the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none.
What a great way for a leader to pay supreme price while still protecting the interest of his followers. Jesus Christ at the point of arrest tactically protected the interest of his followers paving way for their escape from being arrested along with him. 
This is an Hallmark of perfect leader always willing to pay any price to protect the followers.
Mind you leadership starts from home, the simplest unit of human organization. What type of father, mother, sister or brother are you? 
Learn from the master leader, Jesus Christ.

Saturday 25 September 2021


Matthew 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
Matthew 24:34  Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
What exactly did the Jesus mean in the above statement of verse 34 ?  Is this another controversial statement credited to Him?  How many generations have passed since more than 2000 years ago when the statement was made?
A dictionary meaning of "generation" can be: age, age group, peer group, cohort, stage of life
To understand this statement in the Matthew 24:34  let us focus on "generation" as "age" or "stage of life".
Human civilization according to historians, has passed through ages or stages. Prominent among these are: stone age, agrarian age, industrial revolution age, information age and now Artificial Intelligence age.
Stone age is characterized by man in culture of making use of stone as weapon and equipment.
Agrarian age is marked by men using simple machine as farm implement and weapon. It's man's major preoccupation was agriculture. This was the stage at time of Jesus Christ.
Industrial age is defined industrial revolution, when man started using energy driven complex machines for agriculture and production.
Information age came with man started using extremely fast machines.
Now artificial intelligence age means man started using intelligent or smart machines.
So back to the statement of Mathew 24:34 we need to understand that up till today all the features of all past ages are still present in the world today despite the stage of civilization as at now 
We still have stone, agrarian, Industrial ages culture among some people in many regions of the world that are regarded as modern civilization till now.
 High level of illetracy, farmine, food scarcity, malnutrition, poverty, pandemic and disaster which were all attendant features of past ages are still with us till today.
So in effect what the Holy Spirit want us to know in the statement  is that, the iminience of the end of the world shall be so soon that many parts of the world would still exhibit characteristics of agrarian age which was when Jesus was making that statement in Matthew 24:34 .
May we be found worthy to meet Him when He returns.

Thursday 29 July 2021



Anti-Development Values of Political Leadership in Nigeria.
The values of premitive acquisition of wealth prevalent among political class since the Advent of military intervention in democracy in the 60s has boomeranged into underdevelopment CULTURE for Nigeria as amalgamated nations.
For every good Nigeria history student, it is observable that the first set of political leadership that featured Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikwe, Anthony Enahoro, Tafawa Balewa et all were highly scholastic valued.
Our anti- development values originated from the emergence of military in the sixties. This led to emergence of leaders of low scholastic values and consequently low perception of development, such as the then  Gowon, Obasnjo, Buhari et al . 
This structure ever since has been static in our political domain. Consequently a latter dimension to this phenomenon is religious nepotism of the northern protectorate of the amalgamation. From the body language of these special breed of leaders, followers from that region have imbibed concept of percieving knowledge as "Western culture". This has culminated into a brainwashed movement such as Boko Haram, Bandits and kidnappers who have openly declared war against knowledge.
On the other hand, in the southern protectorate, where we have the so called "educated elites" the concept is still very narrow and it has an unfortunate toll on the young generation. Many of the educated political elites down south still see development as "capacity to purchase state of the art manufactured products. Others see it as acquisition of  massive static structures. Such concept is obvious in special interest in real estate, emergence of economically floating FCT, Banana Island, etc. and less attention on stuffs like research,  power generation and education. As a matter of fact, it is difficult to observe if our leaders really see any relationship between research and development (R and D).
At this junction, what is development?
There are a lot of literatures by concerned scholars on this topic already. But to simplify this for the sake of perception of ordinary mind, let's focus on it as " capacity building". For example, a people with capacity to produce electric motor and integrated circiut are more developed than people that live in mansions and cruises around in electic vehicles with an I- phone.
Coming around to our present day context of nationhood, the culture of apathy towards capacity building has passed through generational phase. Education to government now is a " commercial good" as opposed to social good. At the receiving end are the young generations 
who are now placing more emphasis on aquisition of IT devices for entertainment purposes as opposed to real inherent opportunity of "difussion of innovation". 
This differentiation of shared values, makes Nigeria question a complex one.
  Ashby law of requisite variety states: every complex problem requires procedure of equivalent complexity to control it" 
However,  in the case of Nigeria as it is now, there is no capacity to create a procedure of equivalent complexity to develop.
Let us ask ourselves, what is the capacity of Nigeria to build conventional five simple machines?. Why are our hospitals substandard? Is it because there are no qualified doctors? Of course not, it is largely because there are no state of the art medical equipments and power to drive them.
Just recently minister of transportation talked about why the standard guage rail was not given to local contractors. He opined that they lack requisite equipments and experience. Just recently again an APC chieftain claimed Buhari's regime is the best in the country because it has built many road and rail infrastructures. All these instances are confirmation of parochial and narrow minded understanding of what development is to an average political class in Nigeria.
Some years back, Microsoft founder Bill Gates visited Aso Villa where he advised the players there to invest in "human capital" first before physical capital. Our erudite vice president, responded by pointing out government's efforts to do that with automatic cash transfer to extremely poor people. This another scenario of misconception of what development should be.
Obviously, Bill Gates was talking about capacity building while VP Osibajo was making reference to poverty alleviation which is far away from poverty eradication. The latter can only be achieved by capacity building.
If we continue the same way since independence, to keep selling our natural resources to purchase manufactured products, our dream of development remains a mirage adifinitum. 
The way forward to resolve a complex questions of Nigeria is to resort to simplification. This can be by the way of restructuring or by the way of breaking down the structure into smaller manageable units.

Saturday 14 November 2020


Matthew 13:9-16  Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.
For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.
Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:
For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear."
Romans 10:17
"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
Many believed not the gospel because no understanding was given to them by the Holy Spirit.

Monday 27 July 2020

Allen Intersection Lagos.

Allen Junction
Changing Traffic Circle (Roundabout) to 4-way intersection is not technically the best way to go at Allen junction in Lagos mainland.
4 way intersection has 32 traffic point which Lagos State Government is trying to control with traffic lights. The disadvantages are: To be effective a lot of traffic survey must be conducted to determine travel time that shall be used to calibrate the traffic lights. Also failure as a result of lack of maintenance and vandalism present major challenge. From Nigeria experience, complex traffic lights provide basis for extortion of motorist by corrupt officials and police personnel.
A better approach should be traffic separation which is partly implement at the site and carriage way staggering which if combined with traffic lights would have reduced the traffic conflict to probably 8 from 32.

Friday 22 November 2019

Saturday 13 July 2019


Multilevel office space at Ojodu-Berger Interchange. Ideal for Vehicle Service Centre, Telecom Customer Centre, Electronic Service



On 7:50am, Sat, Jul 13, 2019 Adewale Oyebade < wrote:
Multilevel office space at Ojodu-Berger Interchange. Ideal for Vehicle Service Centre, Telecom Customer Centre, Electronic Service Centre.

Thursday 11 July 2019


4 Bedroom Apartment in nice location

Price: 38 m

Monday 11 September 2017

Defective Bus Stop Structure at Ikeja, Lagos.

Our focus is on a defective Bus Stop building serving as old Ikeja along bus stop shelter. The structure is build by hollow core 225mm sandcrete block without rc frame network. Thus it vulnerable to differential settlement and partial collapse.
Then as shown the picture, the structure has obvious shear and cracks which can result in failure anytime.
The structure is public property and as such we call on relevant Lagos State agency to help prevent loss of life and enact public safety and property protection,

Saturday 19 August 2017

Landscape Construction

Landscape surface modeling with ultramodern compacting machine, preparatory to interlocking paving.

Flood Control in Lagos

We installed Non-Return Valve to control runoffs problem created by blockade of canal underpass channel by Lagos State Water Corporation mains for Impact Waters Ltd along Adekunle Fajuyi Road Ikeja GRA Lagos.

Let me give you a simple tip on flood.
1. Before you buy that land or rent that house.
Get a GPS enabled device e.g smart phone
Download GPS application.
Learn to use it.
Use it to check the altitude( height above the mean sea level of that location)
Any location below 50 meter is flood prone.
Be happy ever after.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Crazy Meat Transportation at Ibadan

Our camera captured,on Major express way yesterday at Ibadan South West Nigeria, this means of transporting meat.
We need to declare state of emergency in all sectors of this country.
This most dramatic part of the story is that police patrol vehicle is right behind this motorbike and the occupants did not even blink their eyes.

Sunday 28 May 2017

Archaic Palm Oil Processing

We think this palm oil processing techniques should have been outlawed and replaced with locally appropriate technology in a society where we have public institutions such Ministries of science and tech. Agriculture, FIIRO etc.

Saturday 25 March 2017


What if you are to manage 2 million tenants? That is more than 2 million paper files and probably like 20 000 file cabinents.
Hey what if there is fire incidents? God forbid. Hey what if you are to get a record of payment made three years ago for an old tenant?
Well, the solution for property management for next century is around us.
Increasing urbanization and emergence of megacities all over the world are widening the need for more sophisticated tools in city management. Properties ownership are fast moving from simple to complex in nature.
Complex design such as high rise structure are displaying family houses in a legal arrangement of partnership between developer and land owners, horizontal[y and verticality, properties are increasing in complexity of numbers, occupation and ownership structure.
Traditional Property Manager after staying long enough in the industry shall experience overwhelming task of keeping track of client and tenant information management. Conventional paper filing system is no more being able to keep up with the dynamics of field and office information management of property management. This is more so important when the size of the data is massive.
Another critical issue is the issue of data storage and security.
Other critical issue is the need to automate information system due to issue of location as critical factor in property management. This is expected to liberalize decision making and optimize speed thereof.
Today's computers are versatile tool that can be used to achieve considerable investment efficiency.
However, this may remain unrealistic if business enterprise only rely on standard application packages for their operation. The full potential of "the most wonderful machine" ever invented by man can be harnessed, if business possess software that is customized to their peculiar operating environment.
Having been involved in the field of property management almost two decades, we deem it necessary to provide comprehensive solution to information management inertia in property management, all by the courtesy of our dual involvement in both fields of real estate and information technology.
Ashby law of Requisite Variety states that "complex problem system requires a procedure of equivalent complexity to control it.
It is in line with this spirit that we present PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT (PMA). This is an application that solves technical problem in a very simple way that everyone living in this era is already familiar with. Property Management Assistant (PMA) is desktop database management application. This tool was developed to automate the operations of property management in low development environment in terms of ICT. It is developed by Waldigit concepts using sophisticated tools as provided by Microsoft Corporation
It is designed with Microsoft Access tools and VBA programming Language. This provides flexibility of continuous customization which we shall undertake at your instance.
Though PMA is a desktop application, it is structured to take advantages of multiuser environment in terms of security of access to data and protection of data. It is structured into front end and backend file arrangement, making applicable to a network environment where the data can reside on a server which can be shared by many users who are on other machine known as clients. This arrangement makes it very easy to backup data and update the front end interface which are visible to users.
Also, it is part of the objective of the design to aid small business enterprises in property management, have access to benefits of automation towards enhancing investment efficiency.
The system configuration is targeted towards a modest operating environment that should be affordable to small business while granting them access to full advantages of automated business operating system.
The concept of this application is premised on assumption that, once you are familiar with social media, platform like facebook, you then need little or no training to use the application (smile)
The concept of this application is premised on assumption that, once you are familiar with social media, platform like facebook, you then need little or no training to use the application (smile)
creating computerization and automation opportunity for small and medium scale enterprises
Providing customization opportunity for business automation at a very affordable cost
Optimization of operating cost for small and medium scale enterprises
Positioning small and medium scale enterprises for competitive advantage with big corporation via digitalization of business operations.
Some operating Specification
File Size capacity- 2 Gig
No of concurrent users- 225
Estimated No of record capacity- 20 000 000
Operating System- Window XP, 7, 8 and above
Microsoft Office 2010 and above.

Saturday 18 March 2017

Customized Property Management Application. (PMA)

With the provision of Microsoft on Office Application, I see no reason why all businesses should not be running on their own customized application by now.
Bill Gates has since more than a decade ago offered the world of global small businesses this amazing opportunity. But I still see today even in the public sector, archaic filing systems. I was in a popular hospital in Lagos sometime ago,  to see a friend patient, where a notice a store containing heaps of paper files as high as seven feet above the mean sea level,  I was like What!!  in this age!
Well, if you have a business small as it is,  you make things easy for your self because life is easy since Christ has died and rose again. The solution is that your small laptop  and desktop which you only use to type and check facebook.  Anyway if want detail you can contact us.
We did this by developing a customized application for our estate management operation using this free offer from my guy Bill. Honestly this guy has given us leverage platform to compete with multinationals.
The worst part is that even our public sector  such as local council, hospitals, inec, professional institutions, schools etc. don't take this free offer. Why should we suffer for nothing sake?

Property Management Assistant (PMA)

Take your practice to another level.
You can consult for your small business, organisation or association automation by getting customized database application. It can be desktop for very small business or Server based for medium scale business.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Flood Along Agege Motor way IKEJA GRA service lane.

Underpass for canal from Ikeja GRA is being blocked by public water mains of Lagos State Water Corporations. The affected street is shown in the picture close to RCCG Rose of Sharon near PWD Agree motor ways.
Water Corporations can make use of a elbow accessories to raise up their water mains to free the canal underpass.