Thursday, 21 November 2013

Importance of 3d Modeling Construction In Project Conception and Execution

Project conception stage involves taking brief from development imitator or client. It involves taking brief from development initiator or client. It involves processes of information gathering that ranges from psychological data, financial data, personal data, socio-economic status, socio-cultural and many more depending on the scales and the size of the project in question.  Furthermore, the process involves assisting the development initiator in evoking the picture of development. The general aim is to help development initiator identify their development need and use it to create development product custom designed, evaluated and implemented to address the identified need problems.
In practice, most times the development initiator/client cannot effectively evoke the clear picture of what they want, hence they usually overestimate or underestimate their areas of development needs.
Moreover, when a proposal is finally drawn up the development initiator don’t immediately grasp every aspect of it no matter the length of time given to carry out such assessment.

This situation in most cases lays foundation for most conflict in development project contract execution especially in the private sectors. Most presentation drawings as required by regulatory agency such as planning authorities are required to be done in  2 dimension. This has implication on the development initiator who most of the times are laymen as such lack trained ability to interpret orthogonal projection in two dimension. This has implication of urban design as most site plan do not relate project to the immediate environment in three dimensions.


Also environmental challenges can emanate such as flood and visual intrusion are occasional if detail ground modeling are not articulated in landscape and engineering projects.

Three Dimension modeling is the science and art of creating real life impression in presentation of development proposal. It is a way of mimicking the interpretation of brain eye combination of human beings. Ii can be done as physical paper model or as computer model. The physical model is most appreciated because it is most understandable, its real, it can be used for launching and fund raising purposes. It can assist project initiator in monitoring development process. However, it can be time consuming to create and more costly. Also the internal layout and details of the project may not be represented.

The recently popular one is the computer aided graphic model. The advancement in computing technology in recent time has led to the emergence of graphic modeling. Software are very much available in various application in engineering, entertainment, arts, and of course in built environment or construction development projects.
As a matter of fact, the only difference between the physical model and the graphic model is that graphic model is not tangible in 3 dimension. However the graphic model has advantage in the area of the time of execution and ease of duplication.

A unique advantage is the ability of presenting different section of the project in three dimensions. A dwarf wall in plan view can be perceived to be the same height with other high level wall. But with three dimensions the difference in height becomes obvious.

Project specification and job description can be made apparent devoid of controversy among the project contract parties.

Material scheduling can be made precise without miss-ups.
Quality and standard specification can be articulated and become a referenced document.

Project brief and consequently project conception can be well articulated with the aid of three dimension modeling.

When it comes to home/house development, what you need is interplay of  talent skill and experience. That is what we have got to offer at WALDIGIT CONCEPTS. Wouldn’t  you rather contact us for both design, graphic modeling and paper modeling of your development project. At Waldigit, your house is supposed development


Housing/Home Need Identification

House/Home is more than a shelter
·         It must meet all universally acceptable standard
·         It must meet its peculiar locational requirement
·         It must be customized in design and construction
·         It must reflect the peculiar
·         It must reflect the peculiar psychology of the occupants

House is a building that is constructed for residential purpose. The general tendencies among would be home owners is to erect a dream house whenever they intend acquiring a home either through mortgage purchase or self-development. However, in most cases would be home owners either over estimated or underestimated their need vis-à-vis their budget limit, which in most cases culminated to project dispute, huge debt burden and abandonment of home projects.

Five Living Needs Area

The following are the basic five living need o a couple
1.      Food Preparation
2.      Dining
3.       Living and recreation(indoor)
4.      Bathing-Laundry
5.      Sleeping

All the above activities need to be accommodated depending on the size of the family. The rate at which the size of the space required to accommodate the afore-listed  need change (increase or decrease) depend  on the phase of the life cycle of the particular family.
If the family intends to have three children maximum we can watch out for the following scenario.

At first the family is made up of a man and wife the need in the five areas above may be contained in a sleeping area a bath, a living area basically. Then at the arrival of the first baby. There may be need for a storage area and imminent need for extra sleeping area. At the arrival of second child the all the five areas of living needs shall be needed. At point the family living need shall remain stable for a long time until the next phase of the life cycle. The phase when the first family leaves home, it shall bring about decreasing need in the house because the family size is reduce to four persons.

This shall continue till every child leaves and the family return to original starting point of two persons. The last phase may be when, through death one of the spouse leaves, then the need are less than it was at the beginning.