Saturday 25 June 2016

Urbanisation and Congestion in Lagos. Curse or Blessing in Disguise?

Where there is crowd there is money. This saying is true for Lagos in every sense, and as such has made it a destination of opportunities. From the technical point of view high population is not the same thing as high population density. Agglomeration of many people on a small stretch of land results to congestion. This situation in Lagos creates huge market both formal and informal.
From time immemorial in the history of Nigeria,  Lagos plays the role of commercial nerve centre. This  also true for West African Subregion.
In the field of regional planning, a lot of attention has been paid to phenomenon of rural urban migration. This development may be seen as blessing to only few but a curse to many. Menace such as traffic congestion, housing crisis, over congested facilities, urban crimes among many are usual features. While the authority in Lagos State who derive revenue base from this situation may consider this as welcome development. Internationally these features are seen as indicators of ailling economy.

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