Saturday 8 October 2016

Oyan Dam Flooding it's basin in Ogun and Lagos States

Recently, in a telephone interview with Ogun State Commissioner for environment on the above subject matter, the honourable commissioner opined that nothing can be done to help residents affected by the flood since they have been warned ahead of time.
However,  we formed an opinion that, since prevention is always better than cure, it may be very irresponsible of government to put up excuse in a matter that is entirely within the jurisdiction of the state.
A lot of landuse abuse have been going on along this river basin for many years without any reaction by relevant state agencies.
Development control along these river basin has been in non existence.
We don't know yet of any public domain where information on development guide,  zonning regulations or master plan,  can be publicly obtained.
Stream Setback has been continually violated for years without state intervention in these affected areas.
We strongly believe that if the state had been up and doing in its responsibility, the impact of flooding would have been minimal.

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