Friday 9 November 2012

Waldigit  building construction serviceswaldigit ion

The challenge of affordable world class technical product and services availability in a developing economy like Nigeria, is an every day reality even with twenty two years already gone into the information age. Imported technical products in automobiles, machinery and electronics are most of the time substandard, compared to their foreign counterpart-no thanks to unscrupulous indigenous importer. Both high-tech and consumer product in this category do not often complete their expected life cycle, due to lack and dearth of good maintenance utilization capacity.

Heavy and large scale construction products such as highways products such as highways, bridges and massive public buildings are being contracted by the government to expatriates, while the small scale ones and privately executed projects are being shared among local professionals, quarks, uncertified artisans and technicians. At a glance, even untrained eye can easily spot discrepancies in quality between job executed by expatriates and their local counterpart. The formers works always epitomizes excellent workmanship and quality materials while the latter’s work can easily be identified by features of poor craftsmanship in both design and implementation.

This we wonder could be an offshoot of failure of our formal and informal educational systems. We strongly belief our poverty and low technological base is not an acceptable excuse for this development. With the advent of information age, the power of information is all we need to overcome whatever weakness we have in terms of finance and technical know how. Guided with power of information  and passion we can invent an appropriate technical solution and still achieve the same result that will rank very close in status if not equal in it with what is obtainable in the developed world.  

This situation has spelt doom for the nation’s economy. The deficit in the balance of payment, unemployment, low capacity utilization, low technological development and technical  know how, corruption, brain drain, poor environmental condition and emergence of environmental crises- pollution, flood, slum, epidemics, building collapse, traffic congestion political instability, poverty, underdevelopment, infrastructure system failure-power, housing, transportation.

The quality of physical environment assessed from perspective of functionality- structural integrity, safety, economy- and aesthetics scored a very low mark compared with even newly emerging world economy let alone the developed ones.

Our strong opinion is that,  we reject the hypothesis being postulated in some circles in Nigeria that “ it shall take developing economy like Nigeria, some long time to catch up with the developed economy.” The premises upon which we base our opinion is as follows:

  1. the developed world will never stop advancing for the developing world to catch up with them.
  2. the developed world did not have any model of development to catch up with when they were developing.
  3. the present generation of developing economy workforce may not live to witness the end of  the so called long time.

As a result we have resolved to focus on the following vision directions:
  1. Fashioning short cut indigenous ways to accelerate development in thee physical and technological environment to meet up with international acceptable standard.
  2. Strive hard to at least lay a solid foundation upon which the much dreamt about development standard can be built in the foreseeable future.

Our vision is to perpetually enrich our spiritual and mental man with knowledge.
To explore as much as possible localization and indigenization possibilities of the applications of all acquired knowledge
To impact such knowledge on our fellow man, such that can liberate them form spiritual and physical bondage of ignorance and poverty.

Mission statement
“Democratizing”, Demystifying” and Maximizing” access to ICT and built environment knowledge, services and products.

Leadership issues in Waldigit Concepts are being first handled directly through the inspirational instruction from the Hloy Spirit. The co-ordination of such instructions is being handled by the person of Oyebade Aadewale Oluwasola Peter

Our Team
Waldigit Concepts, through having being in existence on a part time basis for the past eleven years, has been in operation as full time venture for three (3) years now. Hence basic sub-system of the organization is being operated with other organizations with shared visions. This is necessary to protect the interest of our clients and customers
The following are the full description of our team members:

  1. Waldigit Concepts,
Environment and Real Estate Project Development, Information Technology,
Suite 26, No 551 Agege Motor Ways Oshodi Lagos.

  1. Peter Abiade and Co
Estate Surveyors and VAluers,
No 551 Agege Motor Ways, Oshodi Lagos.

  1. Segun Olanrele and Associates.
Estate Surveyors and  Valuers,
Alagogo –Meji Bus Stop,
Railway Compound,
Yaba Lagos.
  1. Fashola Insuma and Partners.
Civil and Structural Engineers.

  1. Abiola Olanipekun and Associates
Building Construction and Aluminium
Fabrication Technical Works
Suite 4  Ola Martins Street Agbelekale Abule
Egba Lagos, Nigeria.
  1. Dele Olanrele and co.
B & B Plaza Agindingbi Lagos.

  1. GT Bank
Ogba Branch Lagos.

  1. 1st Bank
Agidingbi Branch, Lagos.

Our System

Waldigit Concepts is structured on a complete business organizational system. This is to enable us operate on a strong base business model that will guide against system failure in the interest of our client and customers.

We operate a model that is founded on a sophisticated  subsystem as follows::
·        Mission
·        Leadership
·        Team
·        Cash Flow
·        Communication
·        System
·        Legal
·        Product

We perpetually strive to  keep every subsystem of our business model healthy, however , where we lack utilization capacity due to size, we  synergizes with other organization of similar vision. Each of the firms mentioned under our team composition handles a particular aspect of operational subsystem.

The firm, Waldigit Concepts is duly registered with Corporate Affair commission of Federal Republic Of  Nigeria, in line with the provisions of Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990, with business name registration BN2151495. Most of its operations are subject to regulations of Federal, State and Local Governments of Nigeria, Nigeria institute of Town Planners, Nigeria institutions of Estate surveyors and Valuers, Nigerian Society of Engineers among others.

Our communications system to the business world has been majorly of
  1. sales
  2. Marketing
  3. Customers Service.
We maintain direct one-on-one contact with our clients in order to assist them by furnishing them with information that will help them make informed decision

We engage all technological options of advertisement especially the information and communication technological options of advertisement especially the information and communication technology- internet and cellular network.

Customers Service
We keep all our lines opened and are ever ready for feedback through our communication media. We render free specialized communication services to our client, such as graphic, statistical and technical report writing to our prospective clients in order to simplify difficult decision making process.

Design Solutions.
AutoCAD Drafting and Modeling, Graphic Design, Publishing, Product and Company Graphic Branding.
Sustainable Built Environment Solutions
Real Estate Project Conception, Design, Construction Evaluation, Sale and Management. Landscape Architecture and Development. Building and Infrastructure Development, Renovation and Upgrade.

ICT Training Solutions
Computer Applications, Computer Engineering ( PC Technologies).  AutoCAD Designs and Modeling. Web Design and Monetization. Online Forex Trading

Previous projects

  1. Renovation and Upgrade of Landscape outdoor environment of National Truck Manufacturer, Iganmu Lagos.
  2. Residential Development for Mr, Wale Amao, Omole Estatae Phase 2 Lagos Nigeria.
  3. Residential Development Mr Yemi …… Lekki Phase 2 Lagos.
  4. Site Plan Preparation for National Truck Manufacturer, Iganmu Lagos.
  5. Specification Assessment for Far East Macantile Ltd. Matori Factory Fatai Atere Rd. Lagos.
  6. Triliteration Survey and Site Plan Preparation for East Macantile Ltd. Matori Factory Fatai Atere Rd. Lagos. On Nigerian Guinness Plc. Premises.
  7. Design and Residential Development for Mr. and Mrs Tolari Gbemileke , AIICO Estate Mowe  Ogun State.
  8.  Redesign and Residential Development for Mrs. A.A. Adeleke  of No 37 Sura   Mogaji Street Ilupeju Estate, Lagos at No 15 Folarin Street Alimosho, Iyana Ipaja Lagos
  9. residential development for mr Kunle Oluwabunmi at Veora Eatate Arepo Ogun State Nigeria.
  10. Residential development for Mr Akinwale at Oke Aro, Ogun State  Nigeria.
  11. Church Auditorium development for RCCG Good Shepherd Parish, at No 7 Folarin Street, Isheri Magodo Lagos State Nigeria. 

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