Sunday 18 November 2012


How to execute your construction building project at 40% reduction on conventional cost estimate

1.       Use professionals with multiple backgrounds and bias within environmental field, or the ones who are qualified in one discipline but has bias or experience in other related field, especially when you are looking for project manager.e.g. planner-architect, Architect-engineer, estate surveyor- lawyer e.t.c
2.     Visit your proposed site during the peak of raining season to witness the situation during the peak of environmental challenge.
3.     If the site is rapid slope make sure it is towards road direction except if the land is a corner plot bounded by two roads forming a junction
4.      Visit the site independently to interact with the social environment and pick up any rumour concerning the ownership rights and disputes on the land
5.     if you can use measuring tape, measure the land by yourself
6.     You can get a government official in charge  to help con firm if the land is free from government acquisition
7.       if the land has a master layout sheet ask for photocopies
8.     Upon completion of transaction on the land immediately take 1st step towards physical possession get your surveyor to put beacon pillars. If you can’t afford a surveyor do it your self (it may not be accurate, yet it can be adjusted by a trained expert later.
9.     take second step of physical possession after the accurate dimension and orientation of the land is settled, by erecting dwarf “four corner” wall, physically demarcating the four point defining the boundary of your land
10.  if you are digitally learned you can use the gps feature of your smart phone like blackberry to know the geo-reference co-ordinates of the four points defining the boundary of the parcel of the land.- this is usually in longitude and latitude, however it can be converted to UTM format which is the industry standard. This can help in the search process with the government in a procedure known as charting.
11.   Try and do the necessary title documents if you can afford it.
12.  If you can’t the best form of security on the land is physical possession.
13.  If you can afford a survey do it and get registered with land information obtained on the land to ascertain if its free of any government acquisition
14.  A further step into physical possession is to offload gravel or any other material that is not easy to evacuate. Such as blocks, granite and sand
15.  When you want to start building operation, target at least backfilling stage of foundation.
16.  Start during dry season, if the fund is limited, wait until next dry season  to continue.
17.   Before you start, write down your brief on the type of house you want and review it with your spouse and siblings.
18.  Give your brief to your consultant design professional.
19.  Be modes concerning the size of the building.
20.Be futuristic in your approach
21.  Think of the possibility of converting the house to investment asset in the distant future.
22. Engage the service of professional and this also applies to the construction of the upper floor slab (decking) in story buildings.
23.Use direct supervision at the finishing level if you cannot afford professional.
24. get a rough  idea on construction if you cannot afford the comprehensive cost estimate. Get  cost idea on the stage you want to embark on e.g foundation
25.Do not stock pile large quantity of cement that you are not going to need within a space of three months maximum.
26.If you have a secure space for storage you can buy materials such as sand granite, gravel, iron rods, tiles in large quantities
27.  If available use the services of artisans with multiple bias and skills e.g bricklayer-tiler, carpenter-furniture-maker
28.Engage worker will directly do the work and not the one acting as an agent who will contract the job out.
29.Get the service of multidisciplinary outfit like WALDIGIT CONCEPTS  to do your construction building project mnagement

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