Thursday 20 November 2014

Making Unpaved/Earth Road Motorable

Neighbourhood access road that constitute largest percentage of our transportation network are mostly unpaved with bitumen and concrete hard surfacing materials. This is largely responsible for instability and poor state of these road.
It can be said that the end in itself is accessibility via motorable and passable road while the means is road surfacing with stable materials.
My take on this is that it is practicable to achieve the objective of accessibility without necessarily having to spend huge money on road surfacing. Yes this can be done with adequate understanding and manipulation of surface construction of our unpaved road. A special treatment of landscape construction of unpaved road can offer us efficient motorable unpaved road.
For example take a good look at the picture in this post shows two unpaved road in the same neighbourhood. It can be observed that one is stable and passable while the other is rugged and rough.
The question is why do we have this situation.
The answer is the solution to the problem of poor state of unpaved road. Watch out for more tips on the solutions.

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